unity3d - Workaround for Unity5 iOS compile error with facebook-unity-sdk 6.2.1 -

i getting these errors when try compile on ios:

on ios: fblinkshareparams *dialogparams = [[[fblinkshareparams alloc] init] autorelease]; /users/daniel/repositories/unity5/facebooktest/assets/facebook/editor/ios/fbunityinterface.mm:561:73: 'autorelease' unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode

/users/daniel/repositories/unity5/facebooktest/assets/facebook/editor/ios/fbunityinterface.mm:662:15: no known class method selector 'publishinstall:withhandler:'

now these don't seem of problem, there facebook developer here can give fast workaround this? how responsible @ facebook, why can't contact them directly?

put -fno-objc-arc in compile flags of fbunityinterface.mm , , work


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