css - angular material md-tabs and md-grid-lists -

i can not md-grid-list visibly display within md-tab.

i copied md-grid-list here https://material.angularjs.org/#/demo/material.components.gridlist , embedded under set of dyanmically generated tabs.

the grid list not display on tab can tell. ideally grid list aligned left , top under tab if makes sense. css not forte ...

i have sample fiddle here https://jsfiddle.net/lunfort/vsqs0dzw/5/

<div>   <md-tabs>     <md-tab ng-repeat="tabname in tabs" label="{{tabname}}">         <md-grid-list md-cols-sm="1" md-cols-md="2" md-cols-gt-md="6" md-row-height-gt-md="1:1" md-row-height="2:2" md-gutter="12px" md-gutter-gt-sm="8px" >         <md-grid-tile class="gray" md-rowspan="3" md-colspan="2">           <md-grid-tile-footer>             <h3>#1: (3r x 2c)</h3>           </md-grid-tile-footer>         </md-grid-tile>         <md-grid-tile class="green">           <md-grid-tile-footer>             <h3>#2: (1r x 1c)</h3>           </md-grid-tile-footer>         </md-grid-tile>         <md-grid-tile class="yellow">           <md-grid-tile-footer>             <h3>#3: (1r x 1c)</h3>           </md-grid-tile-footer>         </md-grid-tile>         <md-grid-tile class="blue"md-rowspan="2">           <md-grid-tile-footer>             <h3>#4: (2r x 1c)</h3>           </md-grid-tile-footer>         </md-grid-tile>         <md-grid-tile class="red" md-rowspan="2" md-colspan="2">           <md-grid-tile-footer>             <h3>#5: (2r x 2c)</h3>           </md-grid-tile-footer>         </md-grid-tile>         <md-grid-tile class="green" md-rowspan="2" >           <md-grid-tile-footer>             <h3>#6: (2r x 1c)</h3>           </md-grid-tile-footer>         </md-grid-tile>       </md-grid-list>     </md-tab>   </md-tabs> </div> 

i'm seeing tiles in fiddle, or more accurately tile footers, tiles white on white background. you'll need scroll see them though.

try adding md-dynamic-height <md-tabs>, i.e. <md-tabs md-dynamic-height> - give more screen real estate tab content.


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