css - Styling Om components -

the way style , om component based on how react handles styling. horrible mess duplicate common css rules on application there way define styles in function or similar?

(defn my-css [] {:border "1px solid #000"})  (defn my-component [state]   (dom/div #js {:classname "the-class-name"                 :style #js (my-css)})) 

i've tried using defn , def can't find way avoid

caused by: clojure.lang.exceptioninfo: javascript literal must use map or vector notation

i use:

(defn create-style [row]   {:background-color (utils/get-background-color (:task_status row)) :color (utils/get-color (:task_status row))}) 

but using "om-bootstrap".

i have #js before :style map , after. think depends on library expecting.


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