C#/WPF - Shared Style Setters -

i'm trying style set of controls display levels device.

i'm using label control has style multidata trigger checks if value of field between value, , applies highlight indicate error.

<style x:key="highlight-stat" targettype="label">     <style.triggers>         <multidatatrigger>             <multidatatrigger.conditions>                 <condition value="true">                     <condition.binding>                         <multibinding converter="{staticresource betweenvaluesconverter}">                             <binding/>                             <binding>                                 <binding.source>                                     <sys:int32>100</sys:int32>                                 </binding.source>                             </binding>                             <binding>                                 <binding.source>                                     <sys:int32>200</sys:int32>                                 </binding.source>                             </binding>                             <binding>                                 <binding.source>                                     <sys:boolean>true</sys:boolean>                                 </binding.source>                             </binding>                             <binding>                                 <binding.source>                                     <sys:boolean>false</sys:boolean>                                 </binding.source>                             </binding>                         </multibinding>                     </condition.binding>                 </condition>             </multidatatrigger.conditions>             <multidatatrigger.setters>                 <setter property="background" value="red"/>                 <setter property="foreground" value="white"/>                 <setter property="fontweight" value="bold"/>             </multidatatrigger.setters>     </style.triggers> </style> 

the issue i'm trying tackle there typically 2 or 3 states: normal, warning, , error. these states apply multiple fields.

i want able consolidate setters of trigger static resource can store separately, list, , use list value multidatatrigger.setters. in way, can define error , warning state collection of setters , update them central location.


<style x:key="error-state" targettype="control">     <setter property="foreground" value="red"/>     <setter property="background" value="white"/>     <setter property="fontweight" value="bold"/> </style> <style x:key="warning-state" targettype="control">     <setter property="background" value="yellow"/> </style> 

the issue i'm having datatrigger/multidatatrigger's setters property has no set method, , trigger required determine state.

is there way can accomplish want?

possible solutions:

  • a control accepts list of ranges, , applies correct style
  • copy/paste setters 1 trigger *currently using this*
  • @pieterwitvoet recommended styleselector


i've created user control accomplish want. c#

public class label : system.windows.controls.label, inotifypropertychanged {     public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;      public label()     {         var metadata = contentproperty.getmetadata(this);         contentproperty.overridemetadata(typeof(label), new frameworkpropertymetadata(propertychanged));          rules = new list<highlightingrule>();         propertychanged += (o, a) =>         {             system.diagnostics.debug.writeline(string.format("#triggered - {0}", a.propertyname));         };     }      /// <summary>     /// gets or sets highlighting rules applied control     /// </summary>     public list<highlightingrule> rules { get; set; }      static void propertychanged(dependencyobject o, dependencypropertychangedeventargs args)     {         if (o label)         {             (o label).reapplyrules();         }     }       void reapplyrules()     {         style = null;         foreach (var rule in rules)         {             if (rule.ismatch(content))             {                 style = rule.matchstyle;                 break;             }         }     } } 

i'm using below base class define rules

/// <summary> /// base class highlighting rules used highlightedlabel /// </summary> public abstract class highlightingrule {     public style matchstyle { get; set; }      public virtual bool ismatch(object value)     {         return false;     } } 

for example:

public class undervaluerule : highlightingrule {     public double value { get; set; }     public bool inclusive { get; set; }      public override bool ismatch(object value)     {         if (value int || value double)         {             double dvalue = convert.todouble(value);             return dvalue.compareto(value) <= (inclusive ? 0 : -1);         }         else if (value decimal)         {             decimal dvalue = convert.todecimal(value);             return dvalue.compareto(convert.todecimal(value)) <= (inclusive ? 0 : -1);         }         return false;     } } 

in xaml:

<rules:undervaluerule value="31" inclusive="false" matchstyle="{staticresource error-state}"/> 


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