AngularJS with Laravel 5 using NPM -

i want use angularjs laravel 5. since laravel uses npm gulp , laravel-elixir, first step edit packages.json:

{   "private": true,   "devdependencies": {     "gulp": "^3.8.8",     "laravel-elixir": "*",     "angular": "*" // import angular   } } 

after executing npm install angularjs downloaded node_modules/angular folder.

now how use angular.js in html?

note: host settings pointing public folder.

edit: i'm using piece of code in gulp.js file:

elixir(function(mix) {     mix.copy('node_modules/angular/*.min.js', 'public/js/');     mix.copy('node_modules/angular-aria/*.min.js', 'public/js/');     mix.copy('node_modules/angular-animate/*.min.js', 'public/js/'); }); 

so did, should've done before asking question. documentation.

as example try use lumx css framework bower package laravel 5.

step 1. install lumx , required packages.

be sure have bower installed. execute bower install lumx, create bower_components folder within laravel directory. may want add directory .gitignore.

step 2. prepare project files.

create resources/assets/sass folder , app.scss:

@import "../../../bower_components/mdi/scss/materialdesignicons"; @import "../../../bower_components/lumx/dist/scss/lumx"; 

create resources/assets/js folder , app.js:

angular.module('myapp', ['lumx']); 

also sure, have public/js, public/css, public/fonts folders , writable.

step 3. use gulp.

edit gulpfile.js file:

elixir(function(mix) {     mix.sass('app.scss')         .scripts([             // combine js files one.             // path relative resource/js folder.             '../../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js',             '../../bower_components/velocity/velocity.min.js',             '../../bower_components/moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js',             '../../bower_components/angular/angular.min.js',             '../../bower_components/lumx/dist/lumx.min.js',         ], 'public/js/app.js')         // since css file place public/css folder,         // need copy font files         .copy('bower_components/mdi/fonts', 'public/fonts'); }); 

and execute gulp command.

step 4. use css , js files.

insert head tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=",400,500,700"> 

insert before closing `body tag:

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script> 

specify ng-app attribute:

<html lang="en" ng-app="deup"> 


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