SVG glow filter not working in Safari, alternatives? -

i have glow filter around text whereby glow makes text readable, wouldn't otherwise (being on dark background). filter not working in browser mean have go image instead of svg. can think of alternatives?

the filter has eminate actual text, not rectangle around it.

here code isn't rendering in safari

 <filter        id="glow2" width="150%" height="150%"        style="color-interpolation-filters:srgb;">       <feflood          id="feflood4276"          result="flood"          flood-color="rgb(255,255,255)"          flood-opacity="1" />        <fecomposite          id="fecomposite4278"          result="composite1"          operator="in"          in2="sourcegraphic"          in="flood" />       <fegaussianblur          id="fegaussianblur4280"          result="blur"          stddeviation="4"          in="composite1" />       <feoffset          id="feoffset4282"          result="offset"          dy="0"          dx="0" />       <fecomposite          id="fecomposite4284"          result="composite2"          operator="over"          in2="offset"          in="sourcegraphic" />     </filter> 


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