Python simple bouncing physics -

i wondering if there's straightforward way implement bouncing physics in python, without modules physics. bouncing physics, don't mean gravity, mean more released ios game "okay?" philipp stollenmayer ( know if ball hits straight edges, velocities inverted. so, given diagram: when ball hits , c, x velocities inverted, , when hits b , d, y velocities inverted. if our diagram looks this: given angle of platform, how can find new x , y velocities? also, how can convert these x , y velocities degrees?

what found out wikipedia bounce's line of symmetry perpendicular surface hits.

my final question how, in pygame, find angle of line, , create line angle.

p. s.: when answering question, please keel in mind math knowledge limited what's on nys algebra 1 regents in june :) don't go cauculus , trigonometry on me :)

reflectedvector = velocityvector - scale(surfacenormal, 2.0*dot(surfacenormal, velocityvector))

velocityvector movement speed, represented vector, moving towards surface. surfacenormal perpendicular surface, length of 1.

dot dot product. dot(v1, v2) = v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y

scale vector "scale" operation. scale(invec, scalar) = vector2d(invec.x*scalar, invec.y*scalar) `

reflect velocity if directed towards surface, if moving away, don't.

  1. if dot(surfacenormal, velocity) < 0 ball moving towards it.
  2. if dot(surfacenormal, velocity) == 0.0 ball in parallel surface.
  3. if dot(surfacenormal, velocity) > 0.0 ball moving away surface.


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