google cloud dns - Website Not working with www -

i have server running on google compute engine ip xx.xx.xx.xx , using google cloud dns map domain name ip address.

here did 1.) created zone using ui , added record set type 2.) gave domain name provider ns links 3.) website running beautifully when type, not working when type

i tried creating cname (after watching solution on internet) got cname , record set conflict error.

how solve problem? (preferably ui without using gcloud tool)

you can duplicate entry zone's root - e.g., copy ip address, make new rr set of type @ 'www', , paste ip address.

but cname should work. trying? want create cname @ www points root of domain. can't have else @ name, though (a cname says "use records other name) you'll need delete that's not cname. easiest delete name , recreate cname.


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