ios - Why is the text label empty when debugger says it is not? Swift app? -

i'm new swift , i'm trying text label show on table view isn't showing up. following file , build.

tree nest of ui: --main view controller ----ui tabel view ------main view controller cell

i'm beginning think i'm reloading table @ wrong place.

i appreciate in advance!

when remove self.maintableview.reloaddata(), no cells show up. @ moment, i'm still able click on cells , respond following debugger lines:

selected number 0 selected number 1 selected number 2

enter image description here


import foundation import locksmith import uikit import alamofire import swiftyjson import alamofire import jwtdecode  class mainviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uitableviewdelegate, uitableviewdatasource {      var userfeed = [userfeedrow]()       @iboutlet weak var maintableview: uitableview!      override func viewdidload() {          maintableview.registerclass(mainviewtableviewcell.self, forcellreuseidentifier: "maintableviewcell")          maintableview.delegate = self         maintableview.datasource = self         maintableview.separatorstyle = uitableviewcellseparatorstyle.none      }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {         return self.userfeed.count     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, didselectrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {         println("you selected number \(indexpath.row)")     }      func numberofsectionsintableview(tableview: uitableview) -> int {         return 1     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) ->         uitableviewcell {          println("celler \(indexpath.row)")          var cell:mainviewtableviewcell = self.maintableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("maintableviewcell", forindexpath:indexpath) mainviewtableviewcell          let feedrow = userfeed[indexpath.row]         println(feedrow.title)         cell.maintableviewcelltitle?.text = feedrow.title          return cell     }      override func viewdidappear(animated: bool) {          // alamofire user/user_feed         // display user feed in tableview inside of uiviewcontroller          loaduserfeed()          }      func loaduserfeed(){         println("loaduserfeed")         let api = api()         api.getuserfeed(){             responseobject, error in               var json = json(responseobject!)              if error == nil{                  // feed                 var responsefeed  = json["feed"]                 //println(json)                  (index: string, subjson: json) in responsefeed {                     var atitle = subjson["title"].stringvalue                                         println(atitle)                      // save object array here                     var row = userfeedrow(title: atitle)                      self.userfeed.append(row) // appending userfeed                 }                  self.maintableview.reloaddata()             }          }      } } 

custom tableview cell

import foundation import uikit  class mainviewtableviewcell: uitableviewcell{       @iboutlet weak var maintableviewcellbackgroundimage: uiimageview!      @iboutlet weak var maintableviewcelltitle: uilabel!       override func awakefromnib() {         super.awakefromnib()      }     override func setselected(selected: bool, animated: bool) {         super.setselected(selected, animated: animated)      }  } 

i'll convert comment answer , append explanation.

there 2 ways of dealing custom uitableviewcells: 1 create them through storyboard (prototype cells), you've done, , (usually) assign them custom class; other create them separately (with custom class, or custom nib file, or custom class + nib file).

creating cells in storyboard registerclass:forcellreuseidentifier: dance in background. when call method in code, severs connection between storyboard cell , custom class made, , instead creates cell custom class, in case contains no view information, , renders empty.

an additional word of advice: if think might need particular cell in more place 1 in app, better create nib + class method, , call registernib:forcellreuseidentifier: want use it. this, instead of copy-pasting cell in whichever storyboard view need (and have change of them individually if change needed), have single view/nib maintain throughout whole app.


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