java - Share variables from different function -

my first post here on stackoverflow! started learning java. i'm trying build program prints random letter, should write words begin letter, , has class verify.

the problem when generate randomnum in order randomletter array, can't share randomnum variable class needs verified.

private void jbuttonplayactionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) {                                                  int randomnum;      randomnum = (int)(math.random()*palavras.length);     system.out.println(""+randomnum);       jlabelrandom.settext(introduce words begins : " + palavras[randomnum]);   }                                             private void jbuttonverificaractionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) {                                                       int certas = 0;      string[] words = {jtextfield1.gettext(), jtextfield2.gettext(), jtextfield3.gettext(), jtextfield4.gettext(),                       jtextfield4.gettext()};               (string w : words){          if(w.startswith(integer.tostring(palavras[randomnum]))){ // variable can't shared here, need here :)             certas++;         } }       jlabelcertas.settext(integer.tostring(certas));      words = null;  }                                                  public string[] palavras = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"}; 

the problem use randomnum local variable instead of data member. seems mixing concept of method concept of class well, useful read methods , classes. solution:

remove row jbuttonplayactionperformed method:

int randomnum; 

instead of it, define randomnum member inside class, outside methods, this:

private int randomnum;  private void jbuttonplayactionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) {                                                  randomnum = (int)(math.random()*palavras.length);     system.out.println(""+randomnum);       jlabelrandom.settext(introduce words begins : " + palavras[randomnum]);   }                                             private void jbuttonverificaractionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) {                                                       int certas = 0;      string[] words = {jtextfield1.gettext(), jtextfield2.gettext(), jtextfield3.gettext(), jtextfield4.gettext(),                       jtextfield4.gettext()};               (string w : words){          if(w.startswith(integer.tostring(palavras[randomnum]))){ // variable can't shared here, need here :)             certas++;         } }       jlabelcertas.settext(integer.tostring(certas));      words = null;  }                                                  public string[] palavras = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"}; 


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