Possible to write to BIOS from linux kernel mode? -

is possible flash/write bios kernel mode in linux?

i've been doing research on , can't find definitive answer this. i'm not great kernel level stuff , hardware.

from i've been able find, know kernel facilities can interrogate bios (see dmidecode) given bios supports interfaces.

i know difference between real , protected mode.
switching real mode linux seems impossible correctly (?). know x86 has emulation 8088 programs unsure whether emulation allow flashing bios.

wouldn't possible write addresses in kernel mode "flash" bios?

update working answer , comments below seems answer yes depending on hardware platform. only, , necessary requirement bios flash chip addressable in io address space. need software support fir flashing chips, whether kernel or user space. example found user space utility flashrom can on seems narrow set of hardware platforms.

yes, can if bios flash chip connected io address bus , have necessary drivers.


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