java - Swing: JComboBox removing/adding duplicates -

my problem has able add , remove items combobox. items can duplicates. manage add them:


remove first:

 if (jcombobox1.getitemcount() > 0) {                 jcombobox1.removeitemat(0); 

or selected one:

    if (jcombobox1.getselecteditem() != null) {         jcombobox1.removeitemat(jcombobox1.getselectedindex()); 

problem occurs when having items removed, , 1 of them duplicate. in case last item remains selected in combobox though list empty!

it throws exception when trying remove selected item:

exception in thread "awt-eventqueue-0" java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception: array index out of range: -1     @ java.util.vector.removeelementat(     @ javax.swing.defaultcomboboxmodel.removeelementat(     @ javax.swing.jcombobox.removeitemat( 

this happens when removing items among there duplicates

selected item , selected index don't mean same thing. need check, if selected index != -1 before calling remove on it.

selected item value selected in box, selected index selected index in list.


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