C# ASP.NET "InvalidProgramException: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program" -

i'm getting above exception trying 'start debugging' asp.net mvc web application using .net 4.5 , targeting 'any cpu'. other questions i've found regarding issue seem know in application causing problem, stack trace doesn't mean me doesn't mention of own written code (see below:)

[invalidprogramexception: common language runtime detected invalid program.]    system.windows.markup.xmlnsprefixattribute..ctor(string xmlnamespace, string prefix) +0    system.reflection.customattribute._createcaobject(runtimemodule pmodule, iruntimemethodinfo pctor, byte** ppblob, byte* pendblob, int32* pcnamedargs) +0    system.reflection.customattribute.createcaobject(runtimemodule module, iruntimemethodinfo ctor, intptr& blob, intptr blobend, int32& namedargs) +38    system.reflection.customattribute.getcustomattributes(runtimemodule decoratedmodule, int32 decoratedmetadatatoken, int32 pcacount, runtimetype attributefiltertype, boolean mustbeinheritable, ilist derivedattributes, boolean isdecoratedtargetsecuritytransparent) +589    system.reflection.customattribute.getcustomattributes(runtimeassembly assembly, runtimetype catype) +103    system.reflection.runtimeassembly.getcustomattributes(boolean inherit) +33    owin.loader.defaultloader.searchforstartupattribute(string friendlyname, ilist`1 errors, boolean& conflict) +294    owin.loader.defaultloader.getdefaultconfiguration(string friendlyname, ilist`1 errors) +105    owin.loader.defaultloader.loadimplementation(string startupname, ilist`1 errordetails) +161    owin.loader.defaultloader.load(string startupname, ilist`1 errordetails) +51    microsoft.owin.host.systemweb.owinbuilder.getappstartup() +238    microsoft.owin.host.systemweb.owinhttpmodule.initializeblueprint() +103    system.threading.lazyinitializer.ensureinitializedcore(t& target, boolean& initialized, object& synclock, func`1 valuefactory) +86    system.threading.lazyinitializer.ensureinitialized(t& target, boolean& initialized, object& synclock, func`1 valuefactory) +72    microsoft.owin.host.systemweb.owinhttpmodule.init(httpapplication context) +104    system.web.httpapplication.registereventsubscriptionswithiis(intptr appcontext, httpcontext context, methodinfo[] handlers) +418    system.web.httpapplication.initspecial(httpapplicationstate state, methodinfo[] handlers, intptr appcontext, httpcontext context) +172    system.web.httpapplicationfactory.getspecialapplicationinstance(intptr appcontext, httpcontext context) +336    system.web.hosting.pipelineruntime.initializeapplication(intptr appcontext) +296  [httpexception (0x80004005): common language runtime detected invalid program.]    system.web.httpruntime.firstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +9930568    system.web.httpruntime.ensurefirstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +101    system.web.httpruntime.processrequestnotificationprivate(iis7workerrequest wr, httpcontext context) +254 

can tell me how can find out , when exception being thrown? doesn't load homepage before throwing , doesn't break startup.cs file's code, i've not got go on.

i'm new asp.net mvc development, debugging exceptions not encountered pretty difficult , i'd appreciate on matter!

update: i'm trying run web app made in visual studio 2013 in firefox using iis express on windows 8.1 professional 64-bit computer, same configuration worked same web app week ago. i've made changes mvc models , controllers since then, not changed affect deployment/debugging extent. need know how more information on exception being thrown.

there article on microsoft site:

the main reason trying run program on windows xp-based environment.

error code 0x80004005

this problem may occur if file windows product activation (wpa) requires damaged or missing. behavior occurs if 1 or both of following conditions true: - third-party backup utility or antivirus program interferes installation of windows xp. - file wpa requires manually modified.


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