python - Using multiprocessing in emcee library inside a class -

i have tried use emcee library implement monte carlo markov chain inside class , make multiprocessing module works after running such test code:

import numpy np import emcee import scipy.optimize op # choose "true" parameters. m_true = -0.9594 b_true = 4.294 f_true = 0.534  # generate synthetic data model. n = 50 x = np.sort(10*np.random.rand(n)) yerr = 0.1+0.5*np.random.rand(n) y = m_true*x+b_true y += np.abs(f_true*y) * np.random.randn(n) y += yerr * np.random.randn(n)  class modelfit():       def  __init__(self):           self.x=x           self.y=y           self.yerr=yerr           self.m=-0.6           self.b=2.0           self.f=0.9       def get_results(self):           def func(a):               model=a[0]*self.x+a[1]               inv_sigma2 = 1.0/(self.yerr**2 + model**2*np.exp(2*a[2]))               return 0.5*(np.sum((self.y-model)**2*inv_sigma2 + np.log(inv_sigma2)))           result = op.minimize(func, [self.m, self.b, np.log(self.f)],options={'gtol': 1e-6, 'disp': true})           m_ml, b_ml, lnf_ml = result["x"]           return result["x"]       def lnprior(self,theta):           m, b, lnf = theta           if -5.0 < m < 0.5 , 0.0 < b < 10.0 , -10.0 < lnf < 1.0:              return 0.0           return -np.inf       def lnprob(self,theta):           lp = self.lnprior(theta)           likelihood=self.lnlike(theta)           if not np.isfinite(lp):              return -np.inf           return lp + likelihood       def lnlike(self,theta):           m, b, lnf = theta           model = m * self.x + b           inv_sigma2 = 1.0/(self.yerr**2 + model**2*np.exp(2*lnf))           return -0.5*(np.sum((self.y-model)**2*inv_sigma2 - np.log(inv_sigma2)))       def run_mcmc(self,nstep):           ndim, nwalkers = 3, 100           pos = [self.get_results() + 1e-4*np.random.randn(ndim) in range(nwalkers)]           self.sampler = emcee.ensemblesampler(nwalkers, ndim, self.lnprob,threads=10)           self.sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nstep) test=modelfit() test.x=x test.y=y test.yerr=yerr test.get_results() test.run_mcmc(5000) 

i got error message :

file "", line 157, in run_mcmc     self.sampler.run_mcmc(theta0, nstep)   file "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/emcee/", line 157, in run_mcmc   file "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/emcee/", line 198, in sample   file "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/emcee/", line 382, in _get_lnprob   file "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/emcee/", line 94, in map   file "/vol/aibn84/data2/zahra/anaconda/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 558, in     raise self._value cpickle.picklingerror: can't pickle <type 'instancemethod'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.instancemethod failed 

i reckon has how have used multiprocessing in class not figure out how keep structure of class way , meanwhile use multiprocessing well??!!

i appreciate tips.

p.s. have mention code works if remove threads=10 last function.

there number of questions discuss what's going on:





…including one, seems response… same question:


however, difference here not using multiprocessing directly -- butemcee is. therefore, pathos.multiprocessing solution (from links above) not available you. since emcee uses cpickle, you'll have stick things pickle knows how serialize. out of luck class instances. typical workarounds either use copy_reg register type of object want serialize, or add __reduce__ method tell python how serialize it. can see several of answers above links suggest similar things… none enable keep class way have written it.


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