c# - I working on Wp8 app.On Phone testing Always Send System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException -

i'm working on window mobile phone app .when test app on emulator it's working totally fine.but if test app on phone send me system.reflection.targetinvocationexceptipon.

webclient webclient = new webclient(); webclient.downloadstringcompleted += jobseeker; //progressbarrequest.visibility = system.windows.visibility.visible; webclient.downloadstringasync(new uri(string.format("http://ec2-54-66-100-115.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com/jjhj/abvsfss.php?func=login&username={0}&password={1}&cachebust=", txtusername.text, txtpswd.password,datetime.now))); 


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