ios - Parse and FBv4 Swift share picture -

stuck on posting picture fb, using facebook sdk v4 , parsehelperv4 in swift. user created , logged in read persimmons , can user info mail name , on, fbsdkaccesstoken.currentaccesstoken() empty response fbsdksharingdelegate don`t have permission.... doing wrong?

  let permissions : nsarray = ["publish_actions"]           pffacebookutils.linkuserinbackground(pfuser.currentuser(), withpublishpermissions: permissions, block: { (abool, error) -> void in                  if abool && error == nil {                      let atoken = fbsdkaccesstoken.currentaccesstoken()                      println(atoken.permissions) -- logging , returns empty not read permissions                      let fbphoto = fbsdksharephoto(image: self.topimageview.image, usergenerated: true)                      let atest : fbsdksharephotocontent = fbsdksharephotocontent()             = [fbphoto]                      fbsdkshareapi.sharewithcontent(atest, delegate: self)    }              }) 

and delegate

   func sharer(sharer: fbsdksharing!, didfailwitherror error: nserror!) {      println(error.description)          } 

error domain=com.facebook.sdk.share code=202 "the operation couldn’t completed. (com.facebook.sdk.share error 202.)" userinfo=0x16535010 {com.facebook.sdk:fbsdkerrordevelopermessagekey=share api not available. [fbsdkaccesstoken currentaccesstoken] must have publish_actions permission.}

i missing step.... should somehow set fbaccestoken linked pffaceookutils?


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