wordpress - Fatal error:Call to a member function add_to_cart_url() on a non-object in wp-content/themes/vantage/functions.php on line 398 -

so wanted display price of product in add cart button , followed instruction woocommerce display price on add cart button

when refreshed page saw error , sad now. , dont understand edit in answer mean. deleted code took tutorial still error.

i desperate , fatal error tells error on line 398 , there 397 lines , maybe deleted curly bracket?

and tried find problem of debugger , error https:// ideone.com / ug95gc think better dont post 400 lines of code here

so debuggers show problem here

    if( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/premium/functions.php' ) ){     include get_template_directory() . '/premium/functions.php'; } else {     include get_template_directory() . '/upgrade/upgrade.php'; } 

so replaced functions.php , problem in solution in woocommerce display price on add cart button , deleted thouse lines of code , smooth.


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