mvc - How can i display the file name in the Edit View? File name is stored in the images Folder and also in database -

view is

@html.textboxfor(model => model.choosefile, "", new { @class = "span12", placeholder = "choose file",type="file"})

when edit need file name picked , stored in database. image stored in folder image.

i need give download option same.

please me.

you have few options

  1. if file size small, read bytes db , send file result mbc controller

  2. if file large, try streaming.

you can try this

  public filecontentresult getfile(int id)   {      sqldatareader rdr; byte[] filecontent = null;       string mimetype = "";string filename = "";      const string connect = @"server=.\sqlexpress;database=filetest;trusted_connection=true;";       using (var conn = new sqlconnection(connect))      {         var qry = "select filecontent, mimetype, filename filestore id = @id";         var cmd = new sqlcommand(qry, conn);         cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@id", id);;         rdr = cmd.executereader();         if (rdr.hasrows)           {    ;              filecontent = (byte[])rdr["filecontent"];              mimetype = rdr["mimetype"].tostring();              filename = rdr["filename"].tostring();           }         }         return file(filecontent, mimetype, filename);       } 


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