machine learning - Singular Covariance and NA's for z value using Random Projection in R -

i'm getting na's z value in following code. it's due singular covariance. i've run similar test on iris dataset, , don't same error. doing wrong or nature of data?

code in r:

install.packages('mclust') library('mclust')  mydata <- read.table("", sep=";", header=true);  est <- mevvv(mydata[,-12], unmap(mydata[,12]))  randproj(mydata[,-12], seeds=200, parameters = variance, z = est$z, truth = iris[,5],          = "errors", identify = true, scale = true) 



take @

table(mydata[, 12])  # 3   4   5   6   7   8  # 10  53 681 638 199  18 

this means using 10 observations in 1 cluster, while have 11 features (variables) in model, warning message na values.

if want specify model vvv use code :

 fm <- mclust(mydata[, -12],  modelnames="vvv") 


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