at - job added via PHP to queue not working -

i have small script in php set at jobs exec(). php can execute exec() , @ jobs added queue, because see them on @ queue list.

echo "/usr/local/ffmpeg1.1/bin/ffmpeg -i '/data/html/' -c:v libx264 -vsync 2 -strict -2 /data/html/" | @ +2 minutes 

this doesn't work. gets queued doesn't work. if i run on bash works perfectly user i'm logged in or apache user - adding sudo -u apache before at.

echo "/usr/local/ffmpeg1.1/bin/ffmpeg -i '/data/html/' -c:v libx264 -vsync 2 -strict -2 /data/html/" | sudo -u apache @ +2 minutes 

linux , @ version


linux 2.6.18-400.1.1.el5 #1 smp thu dec 18 00:59:53 est 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnu/linux 


at version 3.1.8 


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