Android Facebook SDK 4.0 - Display username -

i've been having little trouble migrating fb sdk's new version.

according documentation, how fetch default user data:

graphrequest request = graphrequest.newmerequest(     accesstoken,     new graphrequest.graphjsonobjectcallback() {         @override         public void oncompleted(                jsonobject object,                graphresponse response) {             // application code         }     }); bundle parameters = new bundle(); parameters.putstring("fields", "id,name,link"); request.setparameters(parameters); request.executeasync(); 

and believe data contained withing jsonobject. however, not know how can access , use user data.

any extremelly appreciated!


now facebook sdk 4.0 doesnt return graphuser returns pure json object while working around android app found someof tags. check this

{"id":"10000700xxxxxxx","birthday":"xx\/xx\/xxxx","email":"","first_name":"xxx","gender":"male","last_name":"xxxxx","link":"http:\/\/\/10000700xxxxxxx","location":{"id":"1064427060xxxxx","name":"xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx"},"locale":"en_us","name":"xxx xxxxx","timezone":5.5,"updated_time":"2015-03-27t13:33:02+0000","verified":true}  ************************************* public void oncompleted(jsonobject user, graphresponse response) { string id = user.optstring("id"); string firstname = user.optstring("first_name"); string lastname = user.optstring("last_name"); , on... 


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