jquery ui - Knockout and JQueryUI binding does not call update callback -

when creating foreach binding custom one, "update:" callback not being called when pushing new element view model. however, new span(not accordion) item creating.

<div data-bind="foreach:items, koaccordion: {}"> <div> <span data-bind="text: id"></span> </div> <div> <span data-bind="text: name"></span> </div> </div> 

the script:

    ko.bindinghandlers.koaccordion = {          init:function(element, valueaccessor, allbindingsaccessor, viewmodel,bindingcontext) {                 console.log("initialization callback");                 $(element).accordion();             },     update:function(element, valueaccessor, allbindingsaccessor, viewmodel, bindingcontext) {                 console.log("updating callback");                 $(element).accordion('destroy').accordion();             }     }; function item(id,name,description){     this.id = ko.observable(id);     this.name = ko.observable(name);     this.description = ko.observable(description); }   var viewmodel = {     items:ko.observablearray([new item("new id","new name","new description")]),     additem:function(id,name,description){         viewmodel.items.push(new item(id,name,description))     }     };   ko.applybindings(viewmodel); 

a binding's update() function called when dependencies change.

that means must trigger knockout's dependency tracking inside body of update(). happens producing underlying value of observable (in other words, calling it).

normally use value inside function, in case need step dependency tracking notices there subscriber.

this work:

<!--                                         pass observable here --> <div data-bind="foreach: items, koaccordion: items">     <div>         <span data-bind="text: id"></span>     </div>     <div>         <span data-bind="text: name"></span>     </div> </div> 


ko.bindinghandlers.koaccordion = {     init: function (element, valueaccessor) {         $(element).accordion();          // destroy widget when element gets removed         ko.utils.domnodedisposal.adddisposecallback(element, function() {             $(element).accordion('destroy');         });     },     update: function (element, valueaccessor) {         // unwrap observable: registers implicit subscription         ko.unwrap(valueaccessor());         $(element).accordion('refresh');     } }; 

but in essence can skip update callback entirely , use explicit subscription instead:

ko.bindinghandlers.koaccordion = {     init: function (element, valueaccessor) {         var items = valueaccessor(),             subscription;          $(element).accordion();          // set explicit subscription         subscription = items.subscribe(function () {             $(element).accordion('refresh');         });          // destroy widget when element gets removed         ko.utils.domnodedisposal.adddisposecallback(element, function() {             subscription.dispose();             $(element).accordion('destroy');         });     } }; 

that being said, there mature jqueryui custom binding library should use, instead of rolling own: http://gvas.github.io/knockout-jqueryui/


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