Why create a pointer in C when you can just point directly to the variable as a pointer? -

i'm learning c , came across example kind of seems creates unecessary step, again i'm new this.

he created variable, , dedicated pointer point variable. understanding simple put * in front of variable , serve pointer it...so why use line of code create pointer? i'm talking why created pointer "*p" refer "x" vs saying *x point it. below sample code:

#include <stdio.h>  int main() {     int x;            /* normal integer*/     int *p;           /* pointer integer ("*p" integer, p                    must pointer integer) */     p = &x;           /* read it, "assign address of x p" */     scanf( "%d", &x );          /* put value in x, use p here */     printf( "%d\n", *p ); /* note use of * value */     getchar(); } 

that's right don't need pointer object.

you program equivalent in behavior to:

int x; scanf("%d", &x); printf("%d\n", x); getchar(); 

the use of pointer in example didactic reasons: explain how declare , use pointers.


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