Dealiasing Types in Scala reflection -

how can resolve aliases given type? i.e.

import reflect.runtime.universe._  type alias[a] = option[option[a]] val tpe = typeof[alias[_]]  val existentialtype(quantified, underlying) = tpe 

how option[option[_$1]] underlying (or tpe)? know typesymbol resolve aliases, seems lose parameters in process:

scala> val tt = typeof[alias[_]].typesymbol tt: reflect.runtime.universe.symbol = class option  scala> tt.astype.totype res3: reflect.runtime.universe.type = option[a]  scala> tt.astype.typeparams res4: list[reflect.runtime.universe.symbol] = list(type a) 

the method turns out called normalize in 2.10 (deprecated , dealias added in 2.11). don't know how managed miss during first search.


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