regex - Sublime Text 3 syntax definition: how to capture a multiline C-style block comment? -

so target block this:

/* comments    more    end  */ 

anything between /* , */ considered comment. current rule captures single line comments:

match: \/\*(\w|\s|\w|\n|\r\n)*\*\/ 

i know sublime text uses oniguruma i'm not sure how match multilines.

ok. joachim pileborg's comment helpful. here's how did it.


1- install packagedev package.

2- copy relevant package temporary directory , unzip it. c, did this:

cp /applications/sublime ~/tmp cd ~/tmp unzip c++.sublime-package 

unzipping create many *.tmlanguage files.

3- open c.tmlanguage in sublime.

4- command palette, choose build with: covert ... yaml (block style) create c.yaml-tmlanguage.

5- open yaml file , copy regex need.


for c-style blocks, rule worked:

- begin: /\*   captures:     '0':       name:   end: \*/   name: comment.block.c 


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