wordpress - Get link to another taxonomy from a taxonomy list -

i'm working on site artists directory.

i have 2 custom taxonomies; artists , artist genre tied custom post type of artwork.

i can loop list of current artist genre taxonomies, i'm tyring them link go page list of artists associated artists genre taxonomy.

this current loop have:

<?php  $args = array('type' => 'artwork', 'taxonomy' => 'artist-genre', 'hide_empty' => false); $categories = get_categories($args);  foreach($categories $category) {  $img = get_field('bg-image', 'artist-genre_'. $category->cat_id .'');    echo'    <li>    <h3><a href=" '. get_term_link($category, $catergory->taxonomy) .' "> '. $category->name . '</a></h3>     <img src="'. $img['url'] .'" alt="'. $img['alt'] .'" />      <a class="button" href=" '. get_term_link($category, $catergory->taxonomy) .' ">        learn more &rarr;      </a>    <li>';  } ?> 

i know have get_term_link() term of taxonomy of artists genre, i'm not sure how links page list of artists associated genre. i'm not sure if need re-structure custom post types , custom taxonomy structure make work correctly either.

i hope makes sense.


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