angularjs - How to instantiate a service dynamically? -

i have utils service heavy. want use of functions defined in on particular user action. service heavy want instantiate lazily(on user action).

how achieve this?


module.service('utils', function (dep1, dep2) {    this.method1 = function () {       //    }    // other methods }); 


module.controller('appctrl', function ($scope) {     // don't want inject utils dependency.      $scope.processuseraction = function () {        // if service not instantiated         // instantiate , trigger methods defined in it.      } }); 


<div data-ng-controller="appctrl">     <button data-ng-click="processuseraction()"> click me </button> </div> 

you can use $injector service services anywhere:$injector. inject $injector controller, , whenever need service use:

this worked fine me, service instantiated on $injector call, no error thrown.

 angular.module('yp.admin')      .config(['$stateprovider', '$urlrouterprovider', 'accesslevels', '$translatewtipartialloaderprovider',         function ($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider, accesslevels, $translatewtipartialloaderprovider) {             $stateprovider                 .state('admin.home', {                     url: "/home",                     access: accesslevels.admin,                     views: {                         content: {                             templateurl: 'admin/home/home.html',                             controller: 'adminhomecontroller'                         }                     }                 });         }])     .service('utilsservice', function() {         console.log('utilsserivce instantiated');         return {             call: function() {                 console.log(' called');             }         };     })      .controller('adminhomecontroller', ['$scope', '$rootscope', 'userservice', '$injector',         function($scope, $rootscope, userservice, $injector) {         $injector.get('utilsservice').call();     }]);     

console gives me this:

statechangestart from:  to: admin.home statechangesuccess from:  to: admin.home utilsserivce instantiated called 

if want delay loading js should have @ oclazyload module: addresses sorts of lazy loading use cases , yours sounds fit it.


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