c# - Vlc.DotNet - Show logging console/turn on file logging -

i'm playing new vlc.dotnet library wpf. it's available through nuget (vlc.dotnet.wpf), , git repository here: https://github.com/zebobo5/vlc.dotnet .

the older videolan dotnet library (hosted here: https://vlcdotnet.codeplex.com) had extremely useful capabilities related file logging, showing debug logging console, etc:

// ignore vlc configuration file vlccontext.startupoptions.ignoreconfig = true;  // enable file based logging vlccontext.startupoptions.logoptions.loginfile = true;  // shows vlc log console (in addition applications window) vlccontext.startupoptions.logoptions.showloggerconsole = true;  // set log level vlc instance vlccontext.startupoptions.logoptions.verbosity = vlclogverbosities.debug; 

i can't find these capabilities in new repo. documentation non-existent , sample projects light glean from. know if it's possible achieve kind of vlc logging using new vlc.dotnet library?

i found correct location me in file (as of today 27.04.2015) vlc.dotnet.core.vlcmediaplayer.vlcmediaplayer.cs:

#if debug             manager.createnewinstance(new[]             {                 "--extraintf=logger",                 "--verbose=2"             }); #else             manager.createnewinstance(null); #endif 

when compile vlc.dotnet in release mode, won't verbose logging more.


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