javascript - Callback or promise never is completed through EventEmitter -

i wrote simple event dispatcher application using node's eventemitter

i have many events , works fine except one, don't know why promises or callbacks never completed

this code dispatcher

var eventemitter = require('events').eventemitter,     requiretree = require('require-tree'),     _ = require('lodash');  module.exports = {     init: function(options) {          var self = this;          _.extend(options, {             excludes: []         });          if (!options.path) {             throw new error('you must specify `path` option');         }          self.emitter = self.emitter || new eventemitter();          // require files in directory         requiretree(options.path, {             filter: filtermodels,             each: loadmodels         });          function filtermodels(filename) {             return options.excludes.indexof(filename) === -1;         }          function loadmodels(model) {             object.keys(model).foreach(function(key) {                 self.emitter.on(key, model[key]);             });         }          return this;     } }; 

when application starts call dispatcher

dispatcher.init({     path: __dirname + '/events' }); 

the event issues


var mandrill = require('mandrill-api/mandrill').mandrill;  modules.exports = {   'send:email': function() {     var mandrill = new mandrill('apikey', true);     var message = {        html: '<h1>hello email</>',        from_email: '',        from_name: "example",        subject: "example mail",        to: [{          email: ''        }],             headers: {               'reply-to': ""             }     };      var cb = function(a) { console.log("print some", a);  }      mandrill.messages.send({message: message, async: false, ip_poll: 'main pool'}, cb, cb);   } }; 

when app emits send:mail event, function called, print some message never showed in console

i test function send:mail in simple script


var events = require('./events');  events['send:email'](); 

calling command

$ node test/index.js 

and works!!!! saw message print some on console

i don't understand wrong code event dispatcher

i have other events, write files, store records on database , call others apis without fail

also, wrote rough method using superagent return promises

var request = require('superagent-bluebird-promise');  request   .post('')   .send({message: ...}).then(..).catch(...); 

the .then nor .catch methods never called


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