Java ArrayList how to check if one of the rectangles contains the mouse? -

i have application place tiles. can place tiles on tiles , don't want that. know need if tile rectangle contains mouse don't place tile on it. doesn't work. @ code:

for (int = 0; < b.toarray().length; i++) {     b.get(i).tick();      if (b.get(i).r.contains(, {         canplaceatile = false;         //  system.out.println("yes");     }     else {         canplaceatile = true;         //system.out.println("no");     }      if (b.get(i).remove) {         b.remove(i);         i--;     } } 

this how check if mouse inside area of 1 of tiles.

block class:

public abstract class block {      public int x,id;     public int y;     protected image img;     public boolean remove;     public int rotate;     public rectangle r;      protected int bx, by;      public block() {     }      public abstract void tick();      public abstract void render(graphics g);      public void createcollisionrect() {         r.setbounds(x - (int) play.camx, y - (int) play.camy, 20, 20);     } } 

an example of tile:

public class wall extends block {      public wall(int x, int y, int rot) {         this.x = x;         this.y = y;         this.rotate = rot;         r = new rectangle(x - (int) play.camx, y - (int) play.camy, 20, 20);         id = 0;     }      public void tick() {         createcollisionrect();          if ( && r.contains(new point((, ( {             remove = true;         }     }      public void render(graphics g) {         imageicon i62 = new imageicon("res/tiles/wall.png");         img = i62.getimage();         g.drawimage(img, x - (int) play.camx, y - (int) play.camy, null);          g.setcolor(;         // g.drawrect(x -(int)play.camx, y - play.camy, 20,20);     } } 

i want check if of rectangles contains mouse , set canplaceatile false if mouse inside 1 of rectangles. code above doesn't work because when print console , have mouse on 1 of tiles says:

yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes 

and when mouse on rectangle without moving @ all. how can fix cannot place tiles on top of tiles. place tiles:

public void mousepressed(mouseevent e) {     if (e.getbutton() == mouseevent.button1) { = true;         if (manager.isplay && play.dragging == false) {             if (play.canplaceatile) {                 if (play.selectedid == 0) {                     play.b.add(new wall(( / 20) * 20, ( / 20) * 20, play.selectedrot));                 }             }         }     } } 


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