forms - issue Drupal 7 submit button not work with theming -

hello have issue when redesign display of form in drupal 7.

the submit boutton not work theme , not if it's displayed simply.

i try check information releated nothing can me @ time.

i hope there enough information me

my form php:

$form=array();  $form['myform']=array(    '#type'=>'fieldset',    '#title' => 'enter na' );  $def_na=''; if (isset($param['na'])) {$def_na=$param['na'];}  $form['na'] = array(     '#type' => 'textfield',     '#title' => t('called number (na):'),     '#default_value' => $def_na,     '#maxlength' => 10,     '#minlength' => 4,     '#required' => true,     //'#description' => t('set <em>yes</em> if category selected default.'), );  $def_period='daily'; if (isset($param['period'])) {$def_period=$param['period'];}  $form['period'] = array(     '#type' => 'select',     '#title' => t('period'),     '#options' => array(                         'daily'=>'daily',                         'weekly'=>'weekly',                         'monthly'=>'monthly'                         ),     '#default_value' => $def_period,     //'#description' => t('set <em>yes</em> if category selected default.'), ); $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('refresh data')); return $form; 

my tpl.php page:

<table>     <tr>         <td>             <?php print drupal_render($form['na']); ?>         </td>         <td>             <?php print drupal_render($form['period']); ?>         </td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>         <?php print drupal_render($form['submit']); ?>         </td>     </tr> </table> <?php   print drupal_render_children($form);?> 

thanks help


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