mongodb - Combining koa-passport with koa-router (getting user data) -

i have created login able login user , store user if new in database.

the user redirected / , checked if authenticated or not, see below (app.js):

.get('/', function* () {     if (this.isauthenticated()) {         yield this.render('homesecure', {}); // <-- need user data here     } else {         yield this.render('homepublic', {});     } 

as commented in code, send user object of logged in. have no idea how hold of id of person logged in documentation koa in general not complete of express.

i using koa-generic-session-mongo handle sessions. here googlestrategy (auth.js):

var user = null; // ... var googlestrategy = require('passport-google').strategy; passport.use(new googlestrategy({         returnurl: 'http://localhost:' + (process.env.port || 3000) + '/auth/google/callback',         realm: 'http://localhost:' + (process.env.port || 3000)     },     function (identifier, profile, done) {         var emails = new array();         (var = 0; < profile.emails.length; i++) {             emails.push(profile.emails[i].value);         }         co(function* () {             yield users.findone({                 emails: emails             });         });         if (user === null) { // first time signin, create account             co(function* () {                 user = {                     id: 1,                     name: profile.displayname,                     emails: emails                 };                 yield users.insert(user);             });         }         console.log(user);         done(null, user);     })); 

publicrouter     .get('/', function* () {         if (this.isauthenticated()) {             yield this.render('homesecure', {                 user: this.req.user             });         } else {             yield this.render('homepublic', {});         }     })... 


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