php - How to add properly one-to-many relationship in Doctrine 2? -

i have 2 files(tables) in entity, , want join like table comment table.i used 1 many can connect like.comment_id , can comments likes 1 selection.when doing , dumping $comment->getlikes() i'm getting object of type


when try $comment->getlikes()->first() getting

undefined index:commentid

so cant likes database, doing wrong?and if possible explain why working such way? here comment entity.

<?php  namespace app\entity;  use app\entity; use doctrine\orm\mapping;  /**  * @entity  * @table(name="comments")  */ class comment extends entity {     /**      *      * /**      * @column(type="string", length=255)      * @var string      */     protected $url;       /**      * @column(type="string", length=255)      * @var string      */     protected $description;      /**      * @column(name="userid", type="integer")      * @var int      */     protected $userid;      /**      * @column(name="lng", type="float")      * @var float      */     protected $lng;      /**      * @column(name="lat", type="float")      * @var float      */     protected $lat;       /**      * @column(type="string", length=255)      * @var string      */     protected $tags;       /**      * @var      * @onetomany(targetentity="like", mappedby="commentid")      **/     protected $likes;       /**      * @return string      */     public function geturl()     {         return $this->url;     }      /**      * @param string $url      */     public function seturl($url)     {         $this->url = $url;     }      /**      * @return string      */     public function getdescription()     {         return $this->description;     }      /**      * @param string $description      */     public function setdescription($description)     {         $this->description = $description;     }      /**      * @return int      */     public function getuserid()     {         return $this->userid;     }      /**      * @param int $userid      */     public function setuserid($userid)     {         $this->userid = $userid;     }      /**      * @return float      */     public function getlong()     {         return $this->lng;     }      /**      * @param float $lng      */     public function setlong($lng)     {         $this->lng = $lng;     }      /**      * @return float      */     public function getlat()     {         return $this->lat;     }      /**      * @param float $lat      */     public function setlat($lat)     {         $this->lat = $lat;     }      /**      * @return string      */     public function gettags()     {         return $this->tags;     }      /**      * @param string $tags      */     public function settags($tags)     {         $this->tags = $tags;     }      /**      * @return array()      */     public function getlikes()     {         return $this->likes;     }  } 

an here entity

<?php  namespace app\entity;  use app\entity; use doctrine\orm\mapping;  /**  * @entity  * @table(name="like")  */ class extends entity {     /**      * @column(name="commentid", type="integer")      * @var int      */     protected $commentid;      /**      * @column(name="userid", type="integer")      * @var int      */     protected $userid;       /**      * @return int      */     public function getcommentid()     {         return $this->commentid;     }      /**      * @param int $commentid      */     public function setcommentid($commentid)     {         $this->commentid = $commentid;     }      /**      * @return int      */     public function getuserid()     {         return $this->userid;     }      /**      * @param int $userid      */     public function setuserid($userid)     {         $this->userid = $userid;     }  } 

thank you.

class comment {     /**      * @id      * @column(type="integer")      * @generatedvalue      */     private $id;      /**      * @column(type="string", length=255)      * @var string      */     protected $url;       /**      * @column(type="string", length=255)      * @var string      */     protected $description;      /**      * @column(name="userid", type="integer")      * @var int      */     protected $userid;      /**      * @column(name="lng", type="float")      * @var float      */     protected $lng;      /**      * @column(name="lat", type="float")      * @var float      */     protected $lat;       /**      * @column(type="string", length=255)      * @var string      */     protected $tags;      /**      * @onetomany(targetentity="like", mappedby="comment")      */     protected $likes;      public function __construct()     {         $this->likes = new arraycollection();     }       /**      * @return string      */     public function geturl()     {         return $this->url;     }      /**      * @param string $url      */     public function seturl($url)     {         $this->url = $url;     }      /**      * @return string      */     public function getdescription()     {         return $this->description;     }      /**      * @param string $description      */     public function setdescription($description)     {         $this->description = $description;     }      /**      * @return int      */     public function getuserid()     {         return $this->userid;     }      /**      * @param int $userid      */     public function setuserid($userid)     {         $this->userid = $userid;     }      /**      * @return float      */     public function getlong()     {         return $this->lng;     }      /**      * @param float $lng      */     public function setlong($lng)     {         $this->lng = $lng;     }      /**      * @return float      */     public function getlat()     {         return $this->lat;     }      /**      * @param float $lat      */     public function setlat($lat)     {         $this->lat = $lat;     }      /**      * @return string      */     public function gettags()     {         return $this->tags;     }      /**      * @param string $tags      */     public function settags($tags)     {         $this->tags = $tags;     }      /**      * @param $like      */     public function addlike(like $like)     {         $this->likes->add($like);         $like->setcomment($this);     }      /**      * @return arraycollection      */     public function getlikes()     {         return $this->likes;     } }  /**  * @entity  * @table(name="likes")  */ class {     /**      * @id      * @column(type="integer")      * @generatedvalue      */     private $id;      /**      * @manytoone(targetentity="comment", inversedby="likes")      */     protected $comment;      /**      * @param mixed $comment      */     public function setcomment(comment $comment)     {         $this->comment = $comment;     }      /**      * @column(name="userid", type="integer")      */     protected $userid;      /**      * @return int      */     public function getuserid()     {         return $this->userid;     }      /**      * @param int $userid      */     public function setuserid($userid)     {         $this->userid = $userid;     }  } 

fyi : change likes or others because mysql keyword like


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