android - implementing app in purchase using ionic framework -

n above blog post, have debug using real device. in code

if((window.device && device.platform == "android") && typeof inappbilling !== "undefined") { inappbilling.init(function(resultinit) { console.log("iab initialized"); }, function(errorinit) { console.log("error -> " + errorinit); },  {showlog: true}, ["productid1", "productid2", "productid3"]); } 

how can see console.log in device?

this post contains answer question. basically, need have latest ionicframework release installed (npm install -g ionic or npm update -g ionic fo update)

not can run livereload, you can access console logs device , server logs showing files device requesting. lets build app in browser, debug on actual device or emulator (genymotion works, too). how start it? can pass few flags, in combination, in run/emulate commands:


$ ionic emulate ios --livereload --consolelogs --serverlogs  $ ionic run android -l -c -s 

this displays logs in command line (terminal) , updates app in device each time code changed...


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