android - In GCM: Does API Project account have to be the same as Google Play Store account? -

i have backend sending gcm push notifications uses api-project (sender_id) created under google-account. works great app published under google play store account (same google-account api-project).

now have publish app friend under google play store account, , use same sender_id use in own app (that way not need changes on backend).

  • is possible? can app under google play store account use sender_id (api-project) created different google-account google play store google-account?
  • if answer positive: there possibility google requires in future api-project , google play store have in same google-account? (for security reasons, example)


i believe thing requires same api project account , play store account if have link application google play services.

using same senderid welcomed (see this question). if application not yours, there obvious downsides of being harder maintain , debug, if you're fine that, having different accounts should work fine.


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