ios - How to make NSArray an acceptable value for cell.textLabel.text? -

simple recipebook application

in recipebook application have 2 uitableviewcontrollers. first uitableviewcontroller contains uitableview list of recipe names. if select cell segue second uitableviewcontroller. second uitableviewcontroller contains uitableview list of ingredients.

in application use recipeobject class contains 2 properties (name (type: nsstring) , ingredients (type: nsarray). recipeobject objects declared in recipedata class, this:

recipeobject *recipe1 = [[recipeobject alloc]init]; = @"fresh coconut cake"; recipe1.ingredients = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"coconut cups", @"milk", @"baking powder", @"butter", @"sugar", @"eggs", nil]; 

in first uitableviewcontroller managed print out recipe names each cell. see following code:

-(uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath{  static nsstring *cellidentifier = @"recipecell"; uitableviewcell *cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier forindexpath:indexpath];  tostiobject *recipes = [ objectatindex:indexpath.row]; cell.textlabel.text =;  return cell; 

i declared nsarray property in first uitableviewcontroller called connect recipedata. did following in second uitableviewcontroller. = [recipedata allrecipes]; 

the problem occurs in second uitableviewcontroller:

-(uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath{ static nsstring *cellidentifier = @"ingredientcell"; uitableviewcell *cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier forindexpath:indexpath];  recipeobject *recipe = [ objectatindex:indexpath.row];  cell.textlabel.text = [recipe.ingredients objectatindex:indexpath.row];  return cell; 

because cell.textlabel.text accepts nsstring value , recipe.ingredients nsarray. want connect ingredients data (an nsarray) cell.textlabel.text in second uitableviewcontroller.

maybe can me solve problem. highly appreciated!

- other information -

the prepareforsegue method (first uitableviewcontroller):

- (void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {     if ([segue.identifier isequaltostring:@"ingredients"]) {         secondtableviewcontroller *ingredientstvc = (secondtableviewcontroller *)segue.destinationviewcontroller;         nsindexpath *indexpath = [self.tableview indexpathforselectedrow];         recipeobject *recipe = [ objectatindex:indexpath.row];         ingredientstvc.recipecontainer = recipe.ingredients; 

you should passing 1 recipe object second table view controller (so don't understand why you're using recipeobject *recipe = [ objectatindex:indexpath.row] in cellforrowatindexpath). can use recipe.ingredients array use populate table. should still able use line in cellfrorowatindexpath,

cell.textlabel.text = [recipe.ingredients objectatindex:indexpath.row]; 

you should passing recipe.ingredients.count numberofrowsinsection.

after edit:

several things not clear you're doing. seems want secondtableviewcontroller display list of ingredients of single selected recipe first controller. so, first of all, there's no need have line = [recipedata allrecipes]in secondtableviewcontroller @ all; controller needs know 1 recipe passed in via prepareforsegue. assume recipecontainer array property of secondtableviewcontroller array of ingredients; need populate table (btw, there's no need pass in prepareforsegue, since can recipe object passed). so, way should is, first, drop last line show in prepareforsegue; don't need there.

in secondtableviewcontroller .h

@property (strong,nonatomic) recipeobject *recipe; 

in secondtableviewcontroller .m

@interface secondtablecontroller () @property (strong,nonatomic) nsarray *ingredients; @end  @implementation secondtablecontroller   - (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];     self.ingredients = self.recipe.ingredients; }    - (nsinteger)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview numberofrowsinsection:(nsinteger)section {     return self.ingredients.count; }   - (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {      uitableviewcell *cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:@"cell" forindexpath:indexpath];     cell.textlabel.text = self.ingredients[indexpath.row];     return cell; } 

if want, set title of secondviewcontroller in viewdidload using self.title =


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