python - How to remove a substring from a string based on list of strings -

i have list of strings(colors),

l = ['chocolate brown','brown','chocolate'] 

i have string:

sentence = "the jeans chocolate brown in color , has brown colored pockets" 

i have remove chocolate brown , brown string. example. whenever encounter color in string have remove if exists in list of colors. efficient way it?

one approach thought split string trigrams, bigrams , unigrams. joining these n-grams , consistently between n-grams problem.

my original list huge , string short. need efficient solution since have loop on elements of list. possible if check string color , check if color in list. wouldn't efficient solution?

you use re:

>>> import re >>> l = ['chocolate brown','brown','chocolate'] >>> s = "the jeans chocolate brown in color , has brown colored pockets" >>> >>> re.sub('|'.join(re.escape(r) r in l), '', s) 'the jeans  in color , has  colored pockets' 


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