QT QML signal does not get to a Canvas when defined in style: ButtonStyle -

i quite new qml , trying make qml button change it's background when event happens. button uses style: buttonstyle , canvas generate graphics (via javascript). using qml states control button state.

i figured out canvas not refresh automatically tried call requestpaint() inside onstatechanged handler, signal somehow not canvas when defined in style property.

here code:

button {     id: small_rounded_button     state: "off"     states: [         state {             name: "on"             propertychanges {                 target: small_rounded_button                 backgroundcolor: "#18243c"             }         },         state {             name: "off"             propertychanges {                 target: small_rounded_button                 backgroundcolor: "#aaa"             }         }     ]      mousearea {         anchors.fill: parent         onclicked: {             if (small_rounded_button.enabled == true)             {                 if (small_rounded_button.state == "on")                 {                     small_rounded_button.state = "off"                 }                 else                 {                     small_rounded_button.state = "on"                 }             }         }     }      style: buttonstyle {         background: item {             canvas {                 anchors.fill: parent                 onpaint: {                     var ctx = getcontext("2d");                     ctx.reset();                      ctx.beginpath();                     ctx.linewidth = height * 0.1;                     ctx.roundedrect(ctx.linewidth / 2, ctx.linewidth / 2,                                     width - ctx.linewidth, height - ctx.linewidth, small_rounded_button.radius, small_rounded_button.radius);                     ctx.strokestyle = "grey";                     ctx.stroke();                      /* sets colour when app starts */                     ctx.fillstyle = small_rounded_button.backgroundcolor;                      ctx.fill();                 }                  /* never happens */                 onstatechanged: {                     requestpaint()                 }             }              label {                 text: small_rounded_button.text                 color: "#000"                 font.pixelsize: small_rounded_button.height * 0.5                 //anchors.centerin: parent             }             label: null         }     } } 

thanks in advance help,


you implemented onstatechanged handler inside canvas, doesn't change state, button does.

you can use signals , slots archive want:

canvas {     component.oncompleted: {         small_rounded_button.statechanged.connect(requestpaint);     } } 

anyhow, there more problems in code, here's correctly working version:

import qtquick 2.0 import qtquick.controls  1.3 import qtquick.controls.styles 1.3  button {     id: small_rounded_button     property string backgroundcolor : "#f0f"     state: "off"     states: [         state {             name: "on"             propertychanges {                 target: small_rounded_button                 backgroundcolor: "#18243c"             }         },         state {             name: "off"             propertychanges {                 target: small_rounded_button                 backgroundcolor: "#aaa"             }         }     ]      mousearea {         anchors.fill: parent         onclicked: {             if (small_rounded_button.enabled == true)             {                 if (small_rounded_button.state == "on")                 {                     small_rounded_button.state = "off"                 }                 else                 {                     small_rounded_button.state = "on"                 }             }         }     }      style: buttonstyle {         background: item {             canvas {                 component.oncompleted: {                     requestpaint();                     small_rounded_button.statechanged.connect(requestpaint);                 }                 anchors.fill: parent                 onpaint: {                     var ctx = getcontext("2d");                     ctx.reset();                      ctx.beginpath();                     ctx.linewidth = height * 0.1;                     ctx.roundedrect(ctx.linewidth / 2, ctx.linewidth / 2,                     width - ctx.linewidth, height - ctx.linewidth, small_rounded_button.radius, small_rounded_button.radius);                     ctx.strokestyle = "grey";                     ctx.stroke();                      /* sets colour when app starts */                     ctx.fillstyle = small_rounded_button.backgroundcolor;                      ctx.fillrect(0, 0, width, height);                 }              }              label {                 text: small_rounded_button.text                 color: "#000"                 font.pixelsize: small_rounded_button.height * 0.5                 //anchors.centerin: parent             }         }     } } 


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