java - Android Studio - App compiles, but won't run. See error -

i ported app eclipse android studio, , app won't run. clear, did not export eclipse. created new project in android studio, , manually cut/pasted every class in project.

i running android studio on new macbook pro - yosemite. having issues running app, though compiles. can see, problem might using jdk 1.8. well, cannot figure out how heck jdk 6.

here error when run project in android studio

error:execution failed task ':app:predexdebug'. org.gradle.process.internal.execexception: process 'command '/library/java/javavirtualmachines/jdk1.8.0_40.jdk/contents/home/bin/java'' finished non-zero exit value 1

when scroll in gradle event log, see error: bad class file magic (cafebabe) or version (0034.0000)

in addition app not running, android studio freezes lot! again, because of version of java have installed?

wait, why didn't import project using android studio? build gradle files you.

enter image description here

choose new/import project...

then see let point root directory of eclipse project:

enter image description here


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