vb.net - Unhandle exception issue -

we have large app built using vb.net vs2012. every , when closing app unhandled exception occurs. random, sometimes doesn't.

the error below.

system.invalidoperationexception unhandled   hresult=-2146233079   message=invoke or begininvoke cannot called on control until window handle has been created.   source=system.windows.forms   stacktrace:        @ system.windows.forms.control.marshaledinvoke(control caller, delegate method, object[] args, boolean synchronous)        @ system.windows.forms.control.begininvoke(delegate method, object[] args)        @ system.windows.forms.windowsformssynchronizationcontext.post(sendorpostcallback d, object state)        @ system.windows.forms.axhost.connectionpointcookie.finalize()   innerexception:  

we produce dump file try , find originating have had no luck. debugger shows no source code available. are using third-party controls. @ point want find trying create control. if problem third party control , if don't have code, can't fix maybe can work around it. can't find trying create control (when shutting down).

we have reviewed many web posts describing how utilize crash dump files have had no luck identifying control (or control type) generating this.. knowing type narrow down.

any ideas how can @ least type of control or originating caller or?

if enough info isn't provided please let me know , post can.

posting code not option because have no idea message coming from.

thanks in advance!

i should have added use try catch blocks everything. have logging procedure arent seeing of these exceptions in log file.


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