php - Embedding another pages register form on my own page? -

how can embed page's register form, own page?

the reason why is, promoting company. , wish spare person visiting page , wanting sign up, 1 step in process.

instead of having them:

  1. visit page
  2. get interested in product
  3. redirecting them company's page
  4. and have them sign account.

i instead have them:

  1. visit page
  2. get them interested in product / company
  3. have them sign account in company right @ page

as can see if benefit both potential customer , me promoter save person step in process.

so question is, how can embed company's register form own page / register form.

i've seen group this, , know it's possible. wish know how make possible , set up.

i hope clear enough. looking forward hear guys.

thank's in advance. appreciate it.


there several ways include external page in own page, either using iframe or reading page per javascript , including in div container. in terms, not end desirable solution , propably won't able include form only, end complete navigation , other stuff customer displayed on page - rather confusing - unless customer made "form only" view you.

a little bit more work , bit more elegant copy form design, have own local form, adapt on page , instead of posting page can post form straight customer.

<form method="post" action="" target="_blank">     ... copy mandatory or fields customer form ... </form> 


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