c# - opencv_traincascade error message -

i tried create own haar cascade detect licence plate recognition used 99 positives images 140*45 , 2645 negatives images , launch training with:

c:\emgu\emgucv-windows-x86_2.4.0.1717\bin\x86\opencv_traincascade.exe -data classifier -vec samples1.vec -bg negative.txt -numstages 3 -minhitrate 0.999 -maxfalsealarmrate 0.5 -numpos 50 -numneg 100 -w 60 -h 40 -precalcvalbuffsize 256 -precalcdxbufsize 256 

and got error

** opencv error : assertion failed <_img.rows * _img.cols ==vecsize> in unknown function file e:\work\emgucv_32bit_vc\opencv\apps\traincascade\imagestorage.cpp, line 151 **

please help



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