clojure - How can I get the var of a multimethod? -

i'm trying use dire add hooks multimethods. author says might not work. here example normal function:

(ns mydire.prehook   (:require [dire.core :refer [with-pre-hook!]]))  (defn times [a b]   (* b))  (with-pre-hook! #'times   "an optional docstring."   (fn [a b] (println "logging interesting.")))  (times 21 2) ; => "logging interesting." 

as can see, with-pre-hook! passed (var times) (which same #'times).

the problem when calling var multimethod i'm getting exception: clojure.lang.persistentlist cannot cast clojure.lang.symbol

is there way make work?

below code sample:

(defmulti get-url identity)  (defmethod get-url :stackoverflow   [site]   "")  (with-pre-hook! (var (get-method get-url :stackoverflow))   (fn [x] (println "getting url stackoverflow."))) 

var macro, not evaluate argument. if give list, not evaluate list, reject it, because it's list , not symbol.

there no var attach specific method, because defmethod not create var, modifies dispatch of multimethod attached to. value returned get-method function, not var.

having looked @ dire, needs var act on, , won't work on specific method of multimethod without amount of redesign. no, can't use with-pre-hook on specific method, though might work on multimethod (including of methods).


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