ruby on rails - What join/model arrangement would be appropriate here? -

i've been reading on various types of relationships possible under activerecord, , i'm in position think understand details in abstract haven't clicked me. appreciate little advice on issue.

in practice application, dealing 4 concrete things: viewers, tv shows, discs of shows, , episodes. there's 1 abstract thing, viewer<->show or 'subscription'/'who watches what' relationship, run trouble.


  • each owner watches several shows.
  • each show has many episodes.
  • an episode belongs 1 show.
  • an owner owns many discs.
  • a disc belongs show, has many episodes on it.
  • the same disc can owned many owners, there needs way see if owner owns specific disc -- fact watch show disc belongs isn't enough, there has boolean 'owned?' somewhere.

i need pull data out neatly answer questions like:

  • what shows user x watch?
  • who watches show y?
  • how many discs user x own?
  • what episodes on disc z?
  • what episodes not on discs yet?
  • does user x not own discs of shows watch?

my best guess

  • subscription belongs_to :owner , belongs_to :show
  • join table, subscriptions, 2 columns: t.references :owner, t.references :show
  • owner has_many :discs , has_many :shows, through: :subscriptions
  • show has_many :discs , has_many :owners, through: :subscriptions
  • show has_many :episodes
  • episode belongs_to :show , belongs_to :disc
  • disc has_many :episodes , belongs_to_many :owners


it's fuzzy , jumbled around in head, , i'm not sure using join table or if it's proper use has_and_belongs_to_many. i've mocked couple of times today, combination of trying nail queries , unfamiliar syntax , trying grasp or create relationships leading frustration , confusion. i'd appreciate pointing out mistake i've made, letting me know 'railsy' way this, or explaining proper relationship structure should be.

here i'd do:


has_many: subscriptions has_many: disks, through: :subscriptions 


has_many :episodes has_many :disks 


belongs_to :show belongs_to :disk 


belongs_to :show has_many :subscriptions has_many :owners, through: :subscriptions has_many :episodes 


belongs_to: owner belongs_to: disk 

that should work. thing isn't there owner-show relationship. , think best, since there isn't real-life connection. real connection through disks (if don't own disks of show, don't watch show). can shows owner watches (and visa-versa) by:

@shows = @owners = 

those last 2 lines untested, believe should work fine.


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