c# - Connect to SQL Server 2005 from a windows mobile -

i new site, hope won't laugh @ problem.

i have new type of project me build, need write app motorola symbol mc9090 barcode scanner running windows mobile 6. need connect app sql server 2005 database. can connect ado connection 1 below? port open. use windows classic emulator debugging crashes @ myconn.open().

thank answers.

sqlconnection myconn = new sqlconnection(@" data source=***.***.0.***,1443;initial catalog=test_database;user id=****ica;password=********;");  try {     myconn.open();      sqlcommand comm = new sqlcommand("select * test_table id = 1", myconn);      sqldatareader reader = comm.executereader();      while (reader.read())     {         messagebox.show(reader[0].tostring() + "\t" + reader[1].tostring());     } } catch(exception ex) {     messagebox.show(ex.message); } {      myconn.close(); } 

the problem in case virtual pc, emulator had problems connecting internet.


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