class - Scanner only works with one out of multiple classes Java -

i have program purpose of analyzing text file user selects via typing in full path of text file when prompted.

i have managed scanner multiple classes not work each method simultaneously. example have class print amount of numbers in file , print number of words in file. first method run work, other display 0 of whatever class searching for(numbers, lines, words etc) if true value not 0.

i'm stuck why happening, have attached main class 2 other classes show clear example:

main class:

package cw; import; import; import; import java.util.scanner; import javax.swing.jfilechooser; import;  public class textanalyser { public static scanner reader;     public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {         scanner in = new scanner(;         system.out.println("enter filename");         string filename = in.nextline();         file inputfile = new file (filename);         reader = new scanner (inputfile);           linecounter lineobject = new linecounter();         wordcounter wordobject = new wordcounter();           lineobject.totallines();         wordobject.totalwords();      }  } 

class counts lines:

package cw;  import; import; import java.util.scanner; import javax.swing.jfilechooser; import;  public class linecounter {       public static void totallines() throws ioexception {        // scanner sc = new scanner(textanalyser.class.getresourceasstream("test.txt"));                       scanner sc = textanalyser.reader;          printwriter out = new printwriter(new filewriter("c:\\users\\sam\\desktop\\report.txt", true));         int linetotal = 0;         while (sc.hasnextline()) {             sc.nextline();             linetotal++;         }          out.println("the total number of lines in file = " + linetotal);               out.flush();              out.close();          system.out.println("the total number of lines in file = " + linetotal);     } } 

class counts words:

package cw;  import; import; import java.util.scanner; import javax.swing.jfilechooser; import;  public class wordcounter {                      public static  scanner sc = textanalyser.reader;      public static void totalwords() throws ioexception{         //scanner sc = new scanner(textanalyser.class.getresourceasstream("test.txt"));         printwriter out = new printwriter(new filewriter("c:\\users\\sam\\desktop\\report.txt", true));         int wordtotal = 0;    while (sc.hasnext()){;       wordtotal++;   }     out.println("the total number of words in file = " + wordtotal);     out.flush();              out.close();    system.out.println("the total number of words in file = " + wordtotal); } } 

for reason 1 work @ time, 1 there 0, if explain me why happening , how solve it, help, thanks!

reader = new scanner (inputfile); contains reference scanner object, when use public static scanner sc = textanalyser.reader; in both methods copying reference of reader sc, of them same object. why having 2 variables referencing same object 1 of redefined 2 times same value?

the problem here scanner reaches end of file , when call again (it same object) has nothing more read, should create scanner object (maybe attempting do?). better solution read file once , store contents in data structure.


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