python - use a list outside my loop to concatenate a url string with some list values -

im getting 3 messages sqs queue:, , test.txt ...and im storing each message inside list.

and want use content of each message in mapper, reducer , input variables(last 3 code lines).

but outside while loop line have print "connecting emr" im not seeing how can use list of filenames purpose want.

do see solution this?

in print item inside loop shows first element of filenames_list.

conn = sqsconnection() myqueue = conn.get_queue('myqueue') while myqueue.count() != 0:     filenames_list = list()     message =      myqueue.delete_message(message)     filename = message.get_body()      filenames_list.append(filename)   item in files_list:      print item  print "connecting emr" conn = boto.emr.connect_to_region('us-east-1') print "creating streaming step" step = streamingstep(name='example1',  # after myfolder/ want put here content of list relative test.txt  mapper="s3n://myfolder/",    # after myfolder/ want put here content of list relative  reducer="s3n://myfolder/",     # after myfolder/ want put here content of list relative  input='s3n://myfolder/hereiwanttoputthelistcontentrelatedtotest.txt',    output='s3n://myfolder/output/wordcount_output') 

you're initializing files_list empty list @ start of each iteration of while_loop, perhaps want initialize outside list , append on each iteration of while loop?


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