go - Gorilla websocket with cookie authentication -

here's setup: i'm building service (using negroni , gorilla) user login, upon login, user gets session cookie server uses authorize protected endpoints. 1 of protected endpoints allows user/client open websocket server, so:

app := negroni.new()  r := mux.newrouter()  r.handlefunc("/auth/connection", func(rw http.responsewriter, req *http.request) {     // authorize request using req.cookie("session_id")      // create websocket     conn, err := upgrader.upgrade(rw, req, nil)     if err != nil {         panic(err)     }     defer conn.close()      // stuff... })  app.usehandler(r)  app.run(":3000") 

however, req.cookies() empty, meaning can't authorize requests "/auth/connection" -- , i'm positive not problem websocket client (if you're curious, i'm testing using python package: https://github.com/liris/websocket-client). approaching authentication of websocket correctly?

any help/advice appreciated!

the server handles websocket handshake normal http request point upgrade called. use whatever authentication use normal http requests.

the gorilla package not in play @ line of code auth comment.
