osx - tmux select panel under mac yosemite -

yesterday installed tmux (great piece of software), have annoying problem: while mouse support seems work (i can scroll text using it), i'm unable select 1 of multiple opened panels clicking on them. in ~/.tmux.conf file have following parameters:

set -g mode-mouse on set -g mouse-resize-pane on set -g mouse-select-pane on set -g mouse-select-window on 

but still, when have multiple panels opened in terminal.app window i'm unable select 1 of them clicking them (as said, scrolling mouse works). tried different variants of options (like using setw) still no success. use yosemite , standard terminal app. tmux last version available on homebrew.

any help?

it seems terminal.app doesn't support xterm mouse reporting.

for reason use iterm.app replacement.


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