web services - How to display result from Meteor.HTTP.Get -

edit: got working now. trick move http.get server-side , use simple:reactive-method package result method.

i use figuring out how display result of meteor.http.get. docs sketchy , there's no topics here relates case.

i'm searching foursquare find local farmers & markets around you. display result in map (no map yet). here's code:

the start page:

<template name="locator">      <a class="button" href="{{pathfor route='locatormap' query='group=farmers'}}">farmers</a>     <a class="button" href="{{pathfor route='locatormap' query='group=markets'}}">markets</a>  </template> 

the soon-to-be map page. edited: mar 31, 2015

<template name="locatormap">      <div class="list">         {{#each venues}}             <p>{{name}}. {{location.lat}}, {{location.lng}}</p>         {{/each}}     </div>  </template> 

the routing (lib/router.js)

router.route('/locator', {name: 'locator'}); router.route('/locator/map', {name: 'locatormap'}); 

the helper (client/locator/locator.js). edited: mar 31, 2015

// static list of venue categories foursquare.categoryid = { ... };  template.locatormap.helpers({     venues: function() {         var search_group = router.current().params.query.group;         var search_categories = foursquare.categoryid[search_group].join(',');         var search_location = geolocation.latlng();          if (search_location) {             // using simple:reactive-method             return reactivemethod.call('foursquaresearch', search_categories, search_location);         } else {             throw new meteor.error("no location", "failed ...");         }     } }); 

the method (server/methods/foursquare.js). edited: mar 31, 2015

meteor.methods({     foursquaresearch: function(categories, location) {         check(categories, string);         check(location, object);          try {             var search_result = http.call(                 'get', 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?',                 {                     timeout: 5000,                     params: { ... }                 }             );             return search_result.data.response.venues;         } catch (_error) {             throw new meteor.error("no result", "failed fetch ...");         }     } }); 

i can see data on console. i'm not sure how how pass template helper. if guys need more info, let me know.

any appreciated. thx!

the question just: "how call method helper?", answered here , here. however, in order solutions work, you'll need method return value rather making asynchronous http call (which returns undefined). path of least resistance define foursquaresearch method on server (put under /server directory) , use synchronous method invocation. example:

meteor.methods({   foursquaresearch: function(cat) {     check(cat, string);      var search_location = geolocation.latlng();      if (search_location) {       try {         // fill in blanks here params, timeout, etc.         var result = http.get(...);         return result.data.response;       } catch (_error) {         throw new meteor.error("no result", "failed fetch...");       }     }   } }); 


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